3 Easy Steps to Create the Perfect Workspace in Your Home

Having a dedicated workspace in your home is key to staying focused on your task. You wouldn't think of making a cake in your living room, or taking a bath in your garage - there is a reason why we have designated spaces for certain activities! No matter what your work entails, running a company, or paying your personal bills, it's important that you have an area that is comfortable as well as efficient.

Step 1: Find the Right Space in Your Home for Flow & Function

You may not have a separate room with a door, but you should have a designated space that is only for your work items. Try to find a location that has good lighting, and enough room for your computer and any paperwork, office supplies etc. Think about what is important to you while you are working. Do you need absolute quiet? Will you be on the phone or sharing your background in a video call? Maybe you need to make sure that you keep an eye on your kids. Make a list of what is most important.

Step 2: Prepare the Space & Stock it Strategically

Whether or not you have a traditional office or are using another part of your home, you should have a desk or table that will fit your computer and any other items that you use regularly. You should have an electrical outlet close by for charging your phone or laptop. Small supplies like pens and staplers can be contained in bins, that can easily be "hidden" away if your workspace is in a central area of your home. I like to use a file tote (like this one) with handles that I can keep my active files in, as well as a few supplies. That way, it’s easy for me to move my location without leaving a trail of pens and post-its behind me! Make sure you have a good supply of items that you use frequently, you don't want to interrupt your train of thought if you are constantly getting up and down to get things.

Step 3: Choose Furniture & Decor with Comfort & Aesthetics in Mind

Make sure you have a comfortable place to sit, that is the right height and gives you good back support. Add a few items to warm up your space, like photos or artwork. Evaluate if you need to add a desk lamp. Plants and a diffuser can also make your space feel more cozy and personal. Keep a sweater handy if you get cold easily.

It's not as important how your workspace looks or where it is, as how you feel when you are there. I've noticed that when I avoid sitting in my office, and take my laptop to the kitchen counter, or somewhere else in the house, it usually indicates that for whatever reason I'm just not getting a good feeling when I am in my office. It could be the lighting, an uncomfortable chair, or just the overall vibe. Try out a few spaces in your home and see how you feel. Do you find yourself getting up and down a lot, or being distracted? Or maybe you feel focused and accomplished after spending a few hours in your workspace, and this is the spot for you!

Wondering where you might be able to fit a workspace into your current home's floor plan? Call us in for a consultation...we're here to help!



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