3 Ways the Power of Home Organizing Can Help You Crush Your New Year’s Goals

The New Year is here! Is organizing your home or being more organized in 2023 one of your goals? If so, this is the blog for you! Here are several organizational ideas to crush your New Year's goal.

1. Organization Calms the Chaos & Gives You Control

closet organization

When organizing your home, plan to place items where they make sense and are needed to save time when you are trying to grab them. You will also get the feeling of peace because you know where to go to grab them. A good way to accomplish this and crush your New Year's goal is to place certain pieces that work together in boxes, baskets, or cubbies. This will help you stay organized and feel at ease when looking for items. For instance, place all your knitting equipment into a basket and your ribbons in a box. Organizing all these items will help get you ready to start the New Year off right!

2. Organization Makes Room for Meditation & Mindfulness

When thinking about your New Year's goal, you might want to be more present and mindful of what is important to you. If this is your goal, try to set up a tech-free space or a space that you enjoy for activities like journaling, meditating, painting, or praying. To enjoy the space, you want to create it the way you envision it. This can be by decluttering, organizing items in baskets or boxes, and placing items that bring you joy into view. You should feel happy, comfortable, and at peace.

3. Organization Prompts Additional Physical Activity

Many people have "losing weight" or "being more fit" as a New Year's goal. If you have this as well, the best way to crush that goal is to engage in the physical activity that you enjoy the most. The activity can range from swimming to playing basketball to being on a Peloton at home. The key is to organize your day by having a daily schedule where you make time for these activities. You can create a schedule that will help you have healthy daily habits, which will help you crush that goal. The schedule could be simple! For instance, after you leave work at 5 pm, your gym bag is already in the car, so you can head straight to the gym to do your workout. This can also be switched to going to the gym before work and having a bag of work clothes in your car. Being organized and creating that schedule will help you have healthy daily habits, which will help you crush that New Year's goal.

New Year's goals are not easy, this is why we have them as goals. You can help make these goals easier to complete by supporting yourself with an organized environment to meet those goals you set. You can always contact your organizer for help to make sure that your goals will be met!

Need help organizing your home for good habits, daily joy, and everything you want most? Let's chat.


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