ROYGBIV… What is it and why are we obsessed?

ROYGBIV (pronounced ROY-gee-biv) – a word that rolls off the tongue and instantly brings to mind a vivid array of colors. But have you ever wondered where this acronym comes from, and why the colors it represents are so aesthetically pleasing? And why are Professional Organizers so obsessed?


The term ROYGBIV is an acronym that represents the seven colors of the visible light spectrum. Each letter stands for a specific color:

R: Red

O: Orange

Y: Yellow

G: Green

B: Blue

I: Indigo

V: Violet

But who coined this term, and why? The credit for popularizing ROYGBIV goes to Sir Isaac Newton, the legendary scientist known for his contributions to physics and mathematics. In the 17th century, Newton conducted experiments with prisms, demonstrating that sunlight could be broken down into its component colors when passed through a prism. He identified these seven distinct colors and assigned them the memorable acronym ROYGBIV.

But why do professional organizers use it?

Aesthetic Appeal

It creates a visually appealing display. A well-organized space with a rainbow of colors can be both calming and aesthetically pleasing.

Sensory Experience

Arranging items by color can engage the senses, making it more enjoyable to interact with your belongings. It can also help create a harmonious atmosphere in a room.

Quick Retrieval

When you know the color spectrum, you can quickly remember where a specific item is based on its color. This can save you time and reduce frustration when searching for something.

Universal System

ROYGBIV is a universal system, so it's easy to understand and implement. It doesn't require any special training or tools.

Here at Sarasota Home Organizer, we like to use this method to help our clients maintain an organized and visually appealing living or working space. It's a straightforward and relatable way to bring order to any environment.


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